Sabino Arana 8, 48013 Bilbo
Telephone +34 94 4395622

Product Categories

Product categories

07 Medical Services and Publications
07.10 Consulting services for health organisations

Consulting services for health organisations

Our products

Product category: Consulting services for health organisations
Tax certificates for deductions for technological innovation
The evaluations correspond to the immediately preceding fiscal year and exclusively to paragraphs 3.a and 3.b regulated in article 63 of Provincial Law 11/2013 of the Corporate Tax..

This service is the result of the collaboration agreement signed between the Treasury and Finance Department of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and BEAZ Bizkaia.

Product category: Consulting services for health organisations
Seeking funding (64bis) Tax certificates prior to seeking funding for R + D + i projects
We issue prior tax certificates -free and binding- for R&D projects that are seeking to transfer the tax credit to a financial supporter.

Evaluations are for projects that have not yet started running, for the full duration, and with expenditure estimates. This certificate corresponds to articles 62 and 63 of the Norma Foral 11/2013 of the Corporate Tax.

This service is the result of the collaboration agreement signed between the Treasury and Finance Department of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and BEAZ Bizkaia.

Product category: Consulting services for health organisations
Innovation Fund

Beaz issues free eligibility reports to apply for European funds. These are European funds for the promotion of technological innovation, as well as other investments necessary for the development of the project.

Eligibility technical reports to apply for European funds to promote innovation

The valuations correspond to projects whose execution has not yet begun, and for its full duration. This qualification corresponds to article 63 of the “Norma Foral 11/2013” of the Corporation Tax. This service is the result of the collaboration agreement signed between the Department of Finance of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and Beaz.

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About Us

Company details
Beaz is a public company of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia which aims to support enterprises and entrepreneurs in their efforts to create new projects, innovate and internationalise.

A goal that lines up with the Provincial Department of Economic and Territorial Development, on which we directly depend: to contribute to the growth of economic activity and the creation of qualified jobs.

To that end, we participate in the definition and management of aid programmes granted by the Department to support an entrepreneurial path whose starting point is the creation of new companies, and its consolidation the final objective.

In this process, we manage various aids that support the implementation of innovative enterprises, the development of projects with high added value, technological or not, as well as innovation, internationalisation and investment.

We also offer a range of services to support entrepreneurship, which are based on the experience and constant work of the internal innovation within Beaz, aiming to add value to businesses and entrepreneurs of Bizkaia.

Likewise, we promote through partnerships with other organisations and networks of incubators, intra-entrepreneurship, acceleration, mentoring or inter-company collaboration, without forgetting the information and dissemination services.

Created in 1987, we have daily contact with SMEs and entrepreneurs throughout the province of Bizkaia. A background that nourishes us and that we try to be useful to everyone.

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Barcelona Chamber of Commerce Cambra de Comerc de Barcelona
Beaunivations, SL Opatra London
BIC Araba S.A.
Bic Gipuzkoa Berrilan, S.A.
Celulosas Vascas SL CV Protection
Beaunivations, SL Opatra London
Barcelona Chamber of Commerce Cambra de Comerc de Barcelona
Asoc. Basque Health Cluster

BIC Araba S.A.
Bic Gipuzkoa Berrilan, S.A.
Celulosas Vascas SL CV Protection
CerTest Biotec S.L.