Hocoma AG

Industriestr. 4, 8604 Volketswil
Telephone +41 43 4442200
Fax +41 43 4442201


Product Categories

Product categories

04 Physiotherapy / Orthopaedic Technology
04.12 Rehabilitation equipment and devices

Rehabilitation equipment and devices

Our products

Product category: Rehabilitation equipment and devices
Early and Safe Mobilization Even in Acute Care
Mobilization and verticalization of immobile patients with little or no capacity for interaction can be very demanding and challenging—especially in acute care—and can compromise the well-being of patients and therapists.

Cardiovascular Stabilization
The robotic leg movement and the cyclic leg loading offered by the Erigo are critical afferent stimuli for the central nervous system.

Improved Orthostatic Tolerance Using the Erigo FES (Functional Electrical Stimulation)
The Erigo FES further increases the afferent stimulation of patients and thereby their cardiovascular stability during early verticalization.

Product category: Rehabilitation equipment and devices
Most Physiological Gait
The physiological gait pattern is ensured by the individually adjustable exoskeleton combined with the patented dynamic body weight support system.

Optimal Patient Challenge
During rehabilitation, patients need to be challenged at and beyond their individual capabilities. Speed, loading and robotic support can be adjusted to optimally shape the intensity of the therapy.

Increased Efficiency
The Lokomat allows therapists to focus on the patient and the actual therapy. It enhances staff efficiency and safety, leading to higher training intensity, more treatments per therapist and consistent, superior patient care.

Product category: Rehabilitation equipment and devices
Intensive and Versatile Overground Gait Therapy
The Andago V2.0 provides therapists with a versatile tool for overground gait training, bridging the gap between treadmill-based and free walking.

Active Patient-Following: Self-Directed Gait with Body Weight Support
The Andago utilizes mobile robotic technology to sense the patient’s movement intention and actively follow, while providing dynamic body weight support.

Safe and Efficient Therapy
Fall protection ensures safe training for patient and therapist at all times.

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About Us

Company details
Global market leader for the development, manufacturing and marketing of robotic and sensor-based devices for functional movement therapy.

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