Alfamedic spol s.r.o.

Tr. 5 kvetna 458, 373 72 Lisov
Telephone +420 387 99466
Fax +420 389 82909

Product Categories

Product categories

01 Electromedical Equipment / Medical Technology
01.09 Hospital equipment, care equipment
01.09.08 Neonatal care equipment

Neonatal care equipment

Infant Warmer LN-91G
Heated module VM-94
Phototherapeutic lamp FL-2010
Phototherapeutic lamp for LN-91G
Heated Mattress RD-95
Heated Mattress HM-13
Paediatric bed PL-N
Newborn bed MINI

Our products

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Infant Warmer LN-91G
Applications: Standard care for new-born children including basic care in the labour room, body temperature stabilizing of hypothermical new-borns,
hyperbilirubinemia phototherapy treatment of new-borns, giving infusions and carrying out exanquinations, nursing pathological new-borns with controlled ventilation at the Intensive Care Units, Pre and Post surgery intensive care at infant and neonatological centers, executing surgery interventions at the Intensive Care Units and infant chirurgical centers.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Heated module VM-94
The heating module with manually adjustable electronic regulation and indication of the heating output, including the integral illumination, is designed for local heating of the working place in health facilities where it is necessary to ensure a stabile temperature.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Phototherapeutic lamp FL-2010
FL-2010 is the next generation of high intensive phototherapy, it is designed using advanced LED technology. Compact LED modules are used as the irradiance sources. They are equipped with special optics, which increase the intensity of irradiance, providing estimated life up to 60,000 hours without replacement of the LED modules. The irradiance does not affect the temperature of the patient.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Phototherapeutic lamp for LN-91G
Phototherapy Lamp is an accessory for Infant Warmer LN-91G. Light source is a compact LED modules through special optics increase phototherapy device performance while providing long lamp efficacy for at least 60,000 hours.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Heated Mattress RD-95

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Heated Mattress HM-13
Heated mattress is an optional local heat source for treatment of hypothermic states of patients. The unified design of the device enables its application almost in all fields of health service, intensive and reanimation care units, surgical departments, operating rooms, resuscitation departments, gynaecology, internal medicine departments, birth, children’s and neonatal departments.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Paediatric bed PL-N
Pediatric bed PL – N can be used at pediatric rooms of any hospital ward. Inner space of the bed is 1700 x 650 mm. The bed is easy to move due to four revolving wheels equipped with breaks.

Product category: Neonatal care equipment
Newborn bed MINI
Neonatal bed MINI is designed for neonatal and children’s departments of all health facilities. It is in particular suitable for ROOMING – IN system as its design enables to put it directly above the mother’s bed or under a heating module VM–94 or photo-therapy FL-2010.

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About Us

Company details
The company Alfamedic was founded in August 1990. It was established as a new independent Czech business entity, without foreign participation and without previous ties to other companies. The main sphere of business of the company is development, manufacturing and sale of high-quality medical devices and equipment.

The company activities focus on the following fields of medicine: neonatology, paediatry, gynaecology, surgery, orthopaedics and rehabilitation.
Products manufactured by Alfamedic form comprehensive conceptual series. With the gradual expansion of its range of products the company also increases opportunities for their application in other fields of medical care.
The key product of the production program is a “heated bed for newborns “ (open incubator) which is available in a number of modifications and can be equipped with a high number of accessories, e.g. heated mattress, resuscitator, phototherapy, infusion heater, heated nebulizer, etc.
In 2010 Alfamedic introduced on the market a completely new device for treatment of neonatal jaundice – a phototherapeutic lamp FL-2010 equipped with modern high power LED technology, with long service life and the possibility of patient monitoring.
In the surgery field the company offers for example heated trays with accurate regulation of temperature. The range of products also includes a number of heated water baths (from 5 to 50 litters) suitable also for other fields of medicine and laboratories.
The products find use in the health sector of the Czech and foreign markets. The quality of products has been proved by many years of cooperation with numerous partners abroad. The current share of export is ca. 65% of the total production.
The main objective of the company is to offer to customers an adequately priced high quality range of products that will be able to meet demanding requirements and successfully compete even on foreign markets.

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